Las tres heridas
de Miguel Hernández

Miguel Hernández (Orihuela, 30 October 1910 – Alicante, 28 March 1942) is undeniably one of the most impactful and influential poets from the last century. ‘Las tres heridas de Miguel Hernández’ is a collection which pays tribute to three of his books, while also bringing context to one of the main themes in his poetry and also a clearly crucial event of our country’s history, the Civil War.

Project type / Self Initiated, Editorial    Recognitions / Silver Laus Award 2023    Tutor / Quique López 

Cru, Companyia teatral

Cru is a theatre company born from the necessity to tell real stories. The ones that make you uncomfortable, that are harsh, tough but, sadly, realistic. It wants to portray the discrimination and struggles many people still suffer to this day to its most extreme aspect, tell things how they really are.

Project type / Self Initiated, Identity


Limits are elastic concepts that you can stablish, create and modify. They are intangible concepts that you don’t realize are there until you cross them. ‘Funámbulo’ is a magazine that aspires to walk across these fine lines without having to fall onto one side or another. Exploring from the outside how thin and elastic limits are, from your own body to human behaviour. 

Project type / Self Initiated, Editorial    Tutor / Quique López


Joan Miró is probably one of the most influential and recognizable artists from the last century. Through his abstract work, he left a unique and singular collection of art exposed currently around the world. From the poster he made for the exposition ‘Tres libros de Joan Miró en Osaka’ comes the inspiration to make a whole typeface based in each detail that his work had.

Project type / Self Initiated, Typography    Tutor / Gerard Sierra


There once was a boy who lived near the coast. He had always been rebellious and radished confidence. One day, when he was walking by one of his neighbour’s houses, he saw a bottle of wine. Without hesitation, he decided to take it and run away. The owner tried to chase him but he was already too far. The only thing he could say was ‘Pocavergonya!’.

Project type / Self Initiated, Identity    Tutor / Rosa López


The music industry has evolved and changed at a rapid pace in recent years. Not only have many genres been changing and experimenting, but there has also been a diversification among the artists. However, it’s still difficult for LGBTQ+ people to establish themselves and pursue a career in music, facing many challenges that some of their peers don’t necessarily go through. PLUMA is a festival whose main objective is to promote different LGBTQ+ reggaeton, dancehall or trap artists. It’s a showcase of the many emerging talents from the community which won’t step back, because we’re indomables, we’re PLUMA.

Project type / Self Initiated, Identity    Tutor / Quique López 

Què aportes?

Plastics are constantly taking over the world's natural spaces and keep drowning our ecosystems. This is the catalogue of the exhibition ‘Què aportes? Per tu i per tots’. It encourages personal reflection and shows which solutions we can find to decelerate climate change and reduce plastic consumption. At the end of the day, only us are capable of bursting the bubble.

Project type / Self Initiated, Editorial    Tutor / Anna Prats & Vicent Almiñana